Culture, Letters, Life, Me, Society, Thoughts, Truth

Its A Wonderful World!

Its a wonderful world we live in, would you not agree? I mean honestly. Let’s think it through.

We live in a world where those who benefit from oppression need not enforce it. The oppressed do a fine enough job of it themselves, ain’t it!
We live in a world where the poor kill the poor.
Where the impoverished victimise one another.
A world where a neighbour will envy their neighbour and plot them foul. A world where a neighbour will look down their nose at their struggling neighbour, because fuck comradery, right?
A world where the homeless would rather get drunk than save their cents and build on them because having a home is not important, is it?

It really is a wonderful world we live in.

We live in a world where women objectify themselves and one another.
They hate each other because they hate themselves, they sell one another and corrupt one another. They reject themselves because they don’t fit the established ideal. And forget completely that it was people of blood the same shade of red as theirs.
Black women hate their hair, white women hate their figure and asian women… Well I don’t know any asian women so I don’t know about asian women. And all men have to do is play it up. And everyone hates their skin colour.

Truly a wonderful world, I would say.

A world where spiritual worship is as ethereal as putting on a shirt in the morning.
A world where families and individuals will shun their ancestral lineage and spiritual beliefs in favour of those of their conquers.
A world where children have no idea what their family history is and they walk around proclaiming how they’ve been “saved”.

Fucking wonderful world this.

A world where you have to pay for your right to live.
A world where misinformation and miseducation is par for the cause.
A world where natural instinct and natural desires are evil.
Where living off of other peoples backs is the order of the day.
Where pain of many is the pleasure of the few.
A world where thinking is an issue.
Where dying is honestly easier than living.
A world where slavery is found in your wallet.
“Free the body and trap the mind, and you will have truly fooled the soul” I’ve always said.

Honestly, really, truly wonderful goddamn fucking world. Honestly! Not really, but it is.
