Society, Thoughts, Truth, Uncategorized

Morality Conundrum

The question arises, are humans inherently good or evil. My answer, Is neither. The both terms are subjective, people behave and react only how the world allows them to be. The same question can be asked of a lion who kills the cubs in the pride he has just taken over.

Nature has a way of penetrating every sphere that it encompasses. Possibly because it lays the fundamentals of them all, maybe not. The world we as humans have constructed for ourselves, this human nature, can be considered a cheat or a modification. But whatever you consider it, it still boils down to and perpetuates the basics laws of the wild.

The economic structure creates the plain for the competition. The competition, age-old, for resources. The resources necessary for life. It also structured in a sort of reciprocal superimposed double-pyramid: the up facing pyramid representing the people, with the greatest number at the bottom and decreasing as the pyramid rises. The inverse pyramid, superimposed on the first, representing the availability of resources.

At the top of the one pyramid the fewest number of people have access to the most resources: Like, the lions of the Serengeti that control more territory than could be considered necessary. So then what happens to the lower levels, well they do well enough to get what they need and yet still want more: The leopard that manages to get what it needs, albeit within the larger territory of its predatory superiors in the middle. At the bottom, the jackals, foxes and other scavenging predators who are at the mercy of those above him. See how the imposition works. 🙂

 Those at the bottom, rely on the efforts of those above them, either passively in cooperation or take them forcibly. Those in the middle have to share, either, again, forcibly or cooperatively. Those at the top? They get to bully the rest of the layers underneath them. Point made, WHAM!!!, but I digressed.

Take the analogy in context. Every one level, can/will do only the good that their situation permits them to be. The dynamics also predicate the resultant moral decision. Humans are inherently survivors. Surviving only requires you to gather the resources you need at any cost, without regard to what level you reside in.

 So, in summation: 1. Humans are neither good nor evil. 2. The duality is subjective. 3. It’s all about survival.


(Got a bit excited there, I was on a roll =D )

Poems, Poetry, Society, Soul, Thoughts, Truth

The Greyness

When love is gone.
And the cold becomes warm.
Night is as bright as day.
And the bustle is loud quiet dark-time still.

Then smiles are fake.
And lies are real.
The truth is sad.
And happiness…
Well, happiness is just a word.

Questions lead to doors without answers. And form a maze who’s only purpose is… Sadness.

Festering wounds and,
Searing chests and,
Torturous memories and, lost identities and, broken promises.

Burning fury hide silent tears.
Silent lips keep the tongue still.
Still fingers protect secrets.
Secrets burn the spirit.
And the spirit, buried and forgotten.

We haven’t been taking our meds, we’re sorry! ._.)

be GOOD kids 😀

Life, Me, Thoughts

As I Look Out The Window

The pain of abandonment and anger of betrayal are pulling out of the driveway now. Such powerful succubi they are, so hypnotic, their seduction full, complete.

What now then?
What must I do now when the handles and footholds have been eroded away
When the toxic elixir that’s been keeping you steady runs dry.

They packed my photo albums with them. Its funny though, it feels as though they never belonged to me to start with. It feels as though what I lived was an illusion, like these aren’t my memories. It is almost as though I’ve been robbed, stripped bare and left to make a plan.
That’s how you left me, with nothing.

So what now?
What must happen now then?
Must I call over the thing that invited them in the first place? It is a joy to have, they aren’t the most pleasant guests I could’ve ever had. But its quiet and odd without them. Their auras were the colours of rage and depression, despair. And in our couplings I felt them.

They aren’t bad people. They had a job. To clean house, and they did. They weren’t thorough though, there are still a couple of things here and there. Your things and they are whatever now.

Its funny how these saucy vixens weren’t the villains in this. The villain is the person who brought them to my abode. We made it a mess, we were supposed clean it up together and do it again.

