Drugs, Fun, Him, love, Relationships, Soliloquy, Soul, Thoughts, Truth


my pretties, my lovelies. the fire is waning, you aren’t here to tend to it. please tend to it. it was only by necessity that I did what I did, I needed to do it. I was not the one who sent you away. I am not angry with you. please do not hate me. come back to me. come dance with me once more. come dance with me under the moonlight. come back to me and dance with me under the moonlight, around the bonfire. come gyrate, ululate, hop, skip, jump, wind, grind, vibrate, step with me. come. come be merry with merry with me under the blanket of dark and, light of the moon and stars. you silly little skamps. my pretty little demons, come. you kissed my soul too well for too long for me to just let you go like so. come back to me and dance with me under the moonlight, around the bonfire. it’s just not as terrifying without you.


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